Friday, February 4, 2011

Jehovah's Witness a false prophet

    What do David Koresh of the Brach Davidians, Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple, Wayne Bent of the Lord our Righteousness Church and Charles Taze Russell of the Jehovah's Witness have in common? All are false prophets. In the book of Deuteronomy 18:21,22 it speaks of the people concerned about those who say that they hear from God and how to test them, well it was made quite clear that if these "prophets" made a claim and it did not come to pass then then the Lord has not spoken. In 1891 Charles Taze Russell wrote that the world would see "the full establishment of the Kingdom of God in the earth at A.D. 1914, the terminus of the time of the gentiles." These predictions failed. They say now that they meant that His kingdom would be fully established in heaven, okay whatever. More credibility would have been given if they would have just said they were wrong, but rather they choose to continue the lie.The scripture is very clear on this prophesy concerning the Lords return and the end times, in the book of Mark 13:32 it says "But of the day and hour NO ONE KNOWS, neither the angels in Heaven nor the Son, but only the Father." Any honest seeker of God would recognize this as a definite truth, and if ever you "felt" you had some time line in your head you could instantly identify this as deception. Renounce it and get about the business of serving God in the capacity in which you have been instructed. The Bible tells us also in Mark 13:6 "For many will come in my Name, saying 'I am He,' and will deceive many and warns us in verse 21 if any one tells you "here is the Christ or He is there" do not believe it. In Matthew 24 it is made very clear that during Christs' return you will not need someone to point it out to you, all will see. As Christians we are to be proclaiming His truth not the ideas about which we think it should be and manipulating the scriptures to fit our theology. A good friend told me of a analogy about a drunk leaning on a lamp post, the post is not there to keep the drunk from falling to the ground it is there to illuminate the way in which we are to travel. In the same way the Bible is not here to uphold our thoughts but rather to bring us into an understanding of His truth.  The Jehovah witness cult differs from Bibical Christianity on multiple important doctrines including eternal judgement, the Trinty and salvation.The Bible tells us that " My people perish from a lack of knowledge," we must know what it is we believe and why we believe it or be subject to confusion when these people show up at our front door with a smile and a copy of Watch Tower magazine. Let us help them to understand that they to can know truth and be saved instead of spreading a false doctrine that leads to death.

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