Proverbs 16:4 says, " The Lord has made all things for Himself, Yes even the wicked for the day of doom." We often create the impression that God is weak, one that is so soft and loving that if anything bad happens we tend to think that there is no-way God had anything to do with it. My Pastor use to say we think God is some big teddy bear with a lolly pop in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other. And often times it is "Christians" who give this false impression of the Almighty. Is God love? More than you can imagine, but God is also just and you will not understand the full extent of His love if you don't also realize that God is worthy of executing judgment on all man kind. We deserve Hell and instead He gave us Jesus, make no mis-take He did not have to do this, God being God could have blew the whole thing up and started over again. But while we were still yet sinners He died for us and paid the price in full, but we come on His terms, I've heard it said, "well, thats arrogant!" yea well, He's God. In our country we have become spoiled thinking we deserve everything, law suit after frivilous law suit proves it, my coffee was too hot, they hurt my feelings, whatever, with this attitude we will never understand who we are in the sight of a Holy God . We are sinner's and yet He is paitent with us not giving us what we deserve, and for those who come to Jesus understanding that yes I am un-worthy He covers us in Christ. John the Baptist called all of man to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, He was the front runnner to Jesus starting His ministry, this call has not changed, we need to accept the salvation offered to us in Jesus or suffer the wrath of God. Two cults that I have recently studied do away with this truth, saying there is no eternal consequence for rejecting Jesus, who gave Himself for all man kind, easy for them to say it wasn't them who gave up thier Son to be beaten and hung on a tree for a bunch of rebellious un-grateful people. It is good for attracting a large following and that translates into big dollars for them, but does not get you saved. The bible say's that every knee shall bow and every tounge confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father. Every knee that means you, me, everybody will bow the knee at somepoint, make sure it is now, cause when you die and do it then it's too late. The Bible says that all have fallen short the Glory of God, all are sinners there is non righteous no not one, we have all gone astray like sheep but He will save you if you call out to Him and admit the reality of your situtation. Why is this so important? God hates pride, it got Satan kicked out of Heaven. Say you see a beggar on the street and you have compassion on him and offer him a bolony sandwich and he responds with, "I want roast beef ." Sorry but that cat can go hungry. Don't misunderstand the analogy, Jesus is Prime Rib and He offers you the best God has to offer, but when one feels they dont need to be forgiven and they are "good enough" they will stand before God on the day of judgment alone and then The Almighty will call you to task and I promise you will not stand up to the requirements. Put it this way, you would have to beat Jesus in a round of golf and He will shoot an 18 on an 18 hole course, so in comparision Tiger Woods sucks. God doesn't judge on a curve its not a matter of par, God accepts only perfection and Jesus fuffiled that requirement and say's you can come with me. Reach out and take it humbly, it's the only chance we have.
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