Jesus says in John 14:6 "I am the way,the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This is clear and to the point, that is why it is so important to expose those who change the truth of this scripture to fit their own personal opinions. And worse yet, try and convince others to follow them. True Christianity points to Jesus, not doctrine. Never follow a person who claims to possess some new way to follow Jesus, in the book of Ecclesiastes it say's there is nothing new under the sun. Jesus is not new He was in the Beginning,in the book of the Revelation Jesus says "I am the alpha and omega" the beginning and the end. Because you or someone else thinks they have a better way doesn't give them the right to change what has been written and make it more attractive to people by omitting the reality of eternal punishment which is what some of the biggest cults do. The reality is this is not love, rather it is a Satanic. Jesus called Satan the father of lies, and all who change the truth of God are in league with him and are doing what he wants to do and that's keeping you from the truth. Jesus is not hiding from people, the opposite is true we hide from Him, we are afraid of the truth in us that will be exposed. The good news is that He knows these things about us and is willing to forgive us and restore us to a place without fear, but make no mistake it is on His terms. What does God accept ? Humble surrender to the truth, the truth that we are guilty of death because we are indeed sinful and need a savior. And because God is sooo good He provided that for you as well in Jesus, nothing else will do. That's right nothing, not a watered down Jesus, giving money to the poor, taking mission trips or voting republican. All must come to the knowledge that the disciple Thomas came to when he confessed "My Lord and My God" that moment of understanding can be your story as well. Jesus said," knock and the door will be opened for you " in other words seek Him and the Spirit will lead you into all truth. Who is the Spirit, part of the Trinity, The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. The cults destroy this doctrine out of ignorance because it defies all human logic and reason and then have the impossible task of making it work without this truth and it ends up with correction after correction and in some cases a whole other book. The truth is that not all will receive the teaching of Jesus, and it is truly sad but sympathy doesn't trump truth. I will continue to show the difference between Biblical Christianity and many other beliefs, it will no dought create some strife but Jesus said they hated Me first and if you carry His truth they will hate you as well, so go ahead Ive been warned.
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